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False Teaching in the Last Days

The Holy Spirit tells us in plain words that in the last days some people will turn away from the faith. They will listen to what is said about spirits and follow the teaching about demons. Those who teach this tell it as the truth when they know it is a lie. They do it so much that their own hearts no longer say it is wrong. They will say, “Do not get married. Do not eat some kinds of food.” But God gave these things to Christians who know the truth. We are to thank God for them. Everything God made is good. We should not put anything aside if we can take it and thank God for it. It is made holy by the Word of God and prayer.

Christians Are to Grow

If you keep telling these things to the Christians, you will be a good worker for Jesus Christ. You will feed your own soul on these words of faith and on this good teaching which you have followed. Have nothing to do with foolish stories old women tell. Keep yourself growing in God-like living. Growing strong in body is all right but growing in God-like living is more important. It will not only help you in this life now but in the next life also. These words are true and they can be trusted. 10 Because of this, we work hard and do our best because our hope is in the living God, the One Who would save all men. He saves those who believe in Him.

Paul’s Helpful Words to Young Timothy

11 Tell people that this is what they must do. 12 Let no one show little respect for you because you are young. Show other Christians how to live by your life. They should be able to follow you in the way you talk and in what you do. Show them how to live in faith and in love and in holy living. 13 Until I come, read and preach and teach the Word of God to the church. 14 Be sure to use the gift God gave you. The leaders saw this in you when they laid their hands on you and said what you should do. 15 Think about all this. Work at it so everyone may see you are growing as a Christian. 16 Watch yourself how you act and what you teach. Stay true to what is right. If you do, you and those who hear you will be saved from the punishment of sin.

Teaching About Women Whose Husbands Have Died

Do not speak sharp words to an older man. Talk with him as if he were a father. Talk to younger men as brothers. Talk to older women as mothers. Talk to younger women as sisters, keeping yourself pure. Help women whose husbands have died. If a woman whose husband has died has children or grandchildren, they are the ones to care for her. In that way, they can pay back to their parents the kindness that has been shown to them. God is pleased when this is done. Women whose husbands have died are alone in this world. Their trust is in the Lord. They pray day and night. But the one who lives only for the joy she can receive from this world is the same as dead even if she is alive.

Teach these things so they will do what is right. Anyone who does not take care of his family and those in his house has turned away from the faith. He is worse than a person who has never put his trust in Christ. A woman over sixty years old whose husband has died may receive help from the church. To receive this help, she must have been the wife of one man. 10 She must be known for doing good things for people and for being a good mother. She must be known for taking strangers into her home and for washing the feet of Christians. She must be known for helping those who suffer and for showing kindness.

11 Do not write the names of younger women whose husbands have died together with the names of others who need help. They will turn away from Christ because of wanting to get married again. 12 Then they would be thought of as guilty of breaking their first promise. 13 They will waste their time. They will go from house to house carrying stories. They will find fault with people and say things they should not talk about. 14 I think it is best for younger women whose husbands have died to get married. They should have children and care for their own homes. Then no one can speak against them. 15 Some of these women have already turned away to follow Satan. 16 If you have any women whose husbands have died in your family, you must care for them. The church should not have to help them. The church can help women whose husbands have died who are all alone in this world and have no one else to help them.

Teaching About Leaders

17 Leaders who do their work well should be given twice as much pay, and for sure, those who work hard preaching and teaching. 18 The Holy Writings say, “When a cow is walking on the grain to break it open, do not stop it from eating some” (A), and “A person who works should be paid.” (B)

19 Do not listen to what someone says against a church leader unless two or three persons say the same thing. 20 Show those who keep on sinning where they are wrong in front of the whole church. Then others will be afraid of sinning. 21 I tell you from my heart that you must follow these rules without deciding before the truth is known. God and Jesus Christ and the chosen angels know what I am saying. Show favors to no one. 22 Do not be in a hurry about choosing a church leader. You do not want to have any part in other men’s sins. Keep yourself pure.

23 Do not drink water only. Use a little wine because of your stomach and because you are sick so often.

24 The sins of some men can be seen. Their sins go before them and make them guilty. The sins of other men will be seen later. 25 In the same way, good works are easy to see now. But some that are not easy to be seen cannot always be hid.

Teaching About Christians Who Were Servants

All you Christians who are servants must respect your owners and work hard for them. Do not let the name of God and our teaching be spoken against because of poor work. Those who have Christian owners must respect their owners because they are Christian brothers. They should work hard for them because much-loved Christian brothers are being helped by their work. Teach and preach these things.

Live Like God Wants You to Live

Someone may teach something else. He may not agree with the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. He may not teach you to live God-like lives. Such a person is full of pride and knows nothing. He wastes time on questions and argues about things that are not important. This makes those he teaches jealous and they want to fight. They talk bad and have bad ideas about others. Men who are not able to use their minds in the right way because of sin argue all the time. They do not have the truth. They think religion is a way to get much for themselves.

A God-like life gives us much when we are happy for what we have. We came into this world with nothing. For sure, when we die, we will take nothing with us. If we have food and clothing, let us be happy. But men who want lots of money are tempted. They are trapped into doing all kinds of foolish things and things which hurt them. These things drag them into sin and will destroy them. 10 The love of money is the beginning of all kinds of sin. Some people have turned from the faith because of their love for money. They have made much pain for themselves because of this.

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

11 But you, man of God, turn away from all these sinful things. Work at being right with God. Live a God-like life. Have faith and love. Be willing to wait. Have a kind heart. 12 Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the life that lasts forever. You were chosen to receive it. You have spoken well about this life in front of many people.

13 I tell you this before God Who gives life to all people and before Jesus Christ Who spoke well in front of Pontius Pilate. 14 You must do all our Lord Jesus Christ said so no one can speak against you. Do this until He comes again. 15 At the right time, we will be shown that God is the One Who has all power. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. 16 He can never die. He lives in a light so bright that no man can go near Him. No man has ever seen God or can see Him. Honor and power belong to Him forever. Let it be so.

Paul’s Last Words to Timothy

17 Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money. Money cannot be trusted. They should put their trust in God. He gives us all we need for our happiness. 18 Tell them to do good and be rich in good works. They should give much to those in need and be ready to share. 19 Then they will be gathering together riches for themselves. These good things are what they will build on for the future. Then they will have the only true life!

20 Timothy, keep safe what God has trusted you with. Turn away from foolish talk. Do not argue with those who think they know so much. They know less than they think they do. 21 Some people have gone after much learning. It has proved to be false and they have turned away from the faith. May you have God’s loving-favor.