Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time(A)

30 They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, 31 because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man(B) is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him,(C) and after three days(D) he will rise.”(E) 32 But they did not understand what he meant(F) and were afraid to ask him about it.

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30 Ils partirent de là, et traversèrent la Galilée. Jésus ne voulait pas qu'on le sût.

31 Car il enseignait ses disciples, et il leur dit: Le Fils de l'homme sera livré entre les mains des hommes; ils le feront mourir, et, trois jours après qu'il aura été mis à mort, il ressuscitera.

32 Mais les disciples ne comprenaient pas cette parole, et ils craignaient de l'interroger.

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Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time(A)

32 They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid. Again he took the Twelve(B) aside and told them what was going to happen to him. 33 “We are going up to Jerusalem,”(C) he said, “and the Son of Man(D) will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law.(E) They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, 34 who will mock him and spit on him, flog him(F) and kill him.(G) Three days later(H) he will rise.”(I)

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32 Ils étaient en chemin pour monter à Jérusalem, et Jésus allait devant eux. Les disciples étaient troublés, et le suivaient avec crainte. Et Jésus prit de nouveau les douze auprès de lui, et commença à leur dire ce qui devait lui arriver:

33 Voici, nous montons à Jérusalem, et le Fils de l'homme sera livré aux principaux sacrificateurs et aux scribes. Ils le condamneront à mort, et ils le livreront aux païens,

34 qui se moqueront de lui, cracheront sur lui, le battront de verges, et le feront mourir; et, trois jours après, il ressuscitera.

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