But David replied to Rechab and his brother Baanah, sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, and said to them, “As the Lord lives, (A)who has redeemed my life from all distress, 10 (B)when the one who informed me, saying, ‘Behold, Saul is dead,’ also [a]viewed himself as the bearer of good news, I seized him and killed him in Ziklag, which was the reward I gave him for his news. 11 How much more, when wicked men have killed a righteous man in his own house on his bed, shall I not now (C)require his blood from your hands and eliminate you both from the earth?” 12 Then (D)David commanded the young men, and they killed them and cut off their hands and feet, and hung them up beside the pool in Hebron. But they took the head of Ish-bosheth (E)and buried it in the grave of Abner in Hebron.

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  1. 2 Samuel 4:10 Lit was as a bearer of good news in his own eyes

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